How to add function to the clear button icon in Material UI Autocomplete ?
Material UI is a popular UI component library for React applications, providing a wide range of pre-built components that follow the Material Design guidelines. One of the components offered by Material UI is the Autocomplete component, which allows users to select values from a predefined list or search for specific options. In this article, we will explore how to add a function to the clear button icon in the Material UI Autocomplete component....
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Apply Glowing Effect to the Image using HTML and CSS
While surfing most of the websites you have seen some special effects which can be seen on various images while putting your cursor over them. So, in this article, we are going to implement the same. We can use such images as a card for our website....
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How to align two navbars in bootstrap ?
Navbar is a section of a web application that allows users to navigate to different sections of the website. As the name suggests, a navbar is basically a navigation bar. Bootstrap 4 comes up with an inbuilt navbar class that allows us to create navbars. Also, we can create custom navbars by defining the various CSS styles as per our requirements. In this article, we will demonstrate both the methods of aligning two navbars using CSS inbuilt classes as well as custom CSS styles....
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Difference between process.stdout.write and console.log in Node JS
Both process.stdout.write and console.log in Node JS have basic functionality to display messages on the console. Basically console.log implement process.stdout.write while process.stdout.write is a buffer/stream that will directly output in our console....
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How to create a button that submits a form and downloads a pdf simultaneously ?
There is no direct method to download and submit the form simultaneously, but we can perform this task if we control the form submission and on clicking the submit form button we first trigger the downloading of the PDF and then submit the form. So, the approaches which we can follow to achieve this are discussed below:...
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How to change Bootstrap Carousel Interval at Runtime ?
We will learn how to change carousel intervals at runtime using bootstrap. In this example, we are going to discuss multiple approaches. Bootstrap carousel is a slideshow for sliding through multiple contents built with JavaScript, CSS, and animation. It works with text, images, and custom markups. It also includes previous and next controls and indicators for controlling its motion....
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How to install specified directory using npm ?
Node JS is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript v8 engine, which is used for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Javascript uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient which is perfect for data-intensive real-time applications. It runs across distributed devices and makes use of the tools (or packages) in Node. js....
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Node.js fs.rmSync() Method
The fs.rmSync() method is used to synchronously delete a file at the given path. It can also be used recursively to remove the directory by configuring the options object. It returns undefined....
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Node.js Chalk Module
Chalk module in Node.js is the third-party module that is used for styling the format of text and allows us to create our own themes in the node.js project....
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How to get the same value from another array and assign to object of arrays ?
In this article, we will learn how to get the same value from another array and assign it to an object of arrays. To get the same value from another array and insert it into an object of the array we need to....
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How to detect browser autofill using JavaScript?
We will learn how to detect browser autofill using javascript. Here we are going to use 3 programming languages HTML, CSS, Jquery to solve this problem in the best and well-defined way. In all web browser autofill is the feature that automatically fills the form fields such as email, address, password, etc. which the user previously entered that same browser to use this feature the user must need to enable this feature in that browser....
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How to set up a cookie that never expires in JavaScript ?
We can set up a cookie that never expires in JavaScript using the following approach:...
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